Crappy to Happy launched in 2017, hosted by psychologist, Cass Dunn and celebrity fitness instructor, Tiff Hall. The show was an instant hit, rising straight to the top of the Apple Podcast charts, because of its real talk, relatable topics and practical strategies for improving physical and mental wellbeing. In 2019, Tiff left the show, allowing space for Cass to bring in inspiring, expert guests from around the world.
In its first few years, Crappy to Happy received several accolades, including being featured in Apple's:
- Best of 2018 list
- Featured “Influencers” line-up, February 2019
- Number 1 in the “Inspiring Women” category for International Women’s Day, March 2019.
Now with over 3 million downloads, the show is a mix of solo and guest episodes, covering a range of topics in the space of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, always with one primary goal - to help you feel less crappy and more happy.