We all seem to be chronically busy but is your perpetual motion and cognitive overload increasing your productivity? In this episode, learn how your busyness is counterproductive to your effectiveness AND your wellbeing. Let…
Tiff Hall and Cass Dunn explore the ways dieting is bad news for your body AND your mind. Tiff spills the dirt on the fad diets shes seen as a Biggest Loser trainer and also the ones she's tried herself! Learn how dieting is…
In this episode, learn the difference between healthy striving and paralysing perfectionism. Perfectionism - far from being a positive quality - can be a hindrance to your efforts in every domain of life. Tiff Hall is an act…
You know you should exercise but lets talk about the real benefits to your body and brain, and why exercise is about so much more than weight loss or even fitness. In this episode, Tiff Hall and Cass Dunn show you how to cre…
We are all our own harshest critics! In this episode, Cass explains how your brain is wired to default to self-criticism and gives you strategies for how to change that negative self-talk. Learn how to embrace self-compassio…
Sugar is like cocaine for your brain and if youve got a sugar habit, youll know just how hard it is to quit it. In this episode, Tiff shares her experience of living on just sugar for one week; the weight she put on will ast…
To achieve anything you have to start with a goal and in this episode, Tiff and Cass will show you the difference between a good goal and a GREAT goal. Learn how a bit of stretch can catapult you forward and let Tiff and Cas…
Are you a comfort eater? Sometimes emotional eating can sabotage your goals, but why do we emotionally eat? In this episode, learn how to manage your feelings so you dont fall into the habit of stress eating and the best way…
We all know that when we dont get enough sleep, we can feel pretty crappy. Tiff and Cass discuss why sleep is critical for your cognitive performance, mood, health and wellbeing. Find out why you should be taking naps and ho…
Why do we constantly get in our own way when it comes to achieving goals? Tiff and Cass discuss the big issue of why people reach goals and then fall off the wagon. Cass shares the psychology of self-sabotage as it applies t…