This week, Cass and Dr Anastasia Hronis delve into the complexities of dopamine, its role in pleasure and motivation, and how modern conveniences can lead to excessive dopamine activation. Anastasia is the author of 'The Dop…
Cass explores the concept of being fully committed to goals while remaining unattached to the outcomes. She discusses the balance between giving your all and not letting the results define your self-worth. Through examples a…
Cass talks with Jessica McGuire, a physiotherapist and author of The Nervous System Reset, about the importance of the nervous system in physical and emotional health. Jessica explains the role of the vagus nerve in regulati…
In this solo episode, Cass discusses the concept of upper limit problems as described in the book 'The Big Leap' by Gay Hendricks. Upper limit problems refer to self-imposed limitations that prevent individuals from achievin…
In this solo episode of Crappy to Happy, Cass discusses the importance of quality friendships and what makes them thrive. She highlights three key ingredients of high-quality friendships: consistency, positivity, and vulnera…
In this solo episode, Cass explores the concept of narrative identity theory and how the stories we tell ourselves about our lives shape our sense of self and well-being. She discusses the importance of personal agency, belo…
In this episode, Cass recaps what she covered in her live online workshop, "How to Cultivate Unshakeable Self-Confidence". She outlines the key difference between self-doubt and the imposter experience, which runs much deepe…
In this solo episode, Cass shares one of the common reasons people struggle to make progress on the things they say that want to achieve. "Competing commitments", sometimes called competing desires or conflicting values, are…
Cass talks with fellow psychologist, Ariane Beeston about Ariane's experience of severe postpartum depression and psychosis. They discuss the feelings of failure that can prevent new mothers from asking for help, the lack of…
In this solo episode, Cass discusses the importance of goal-setting, but understanding why you want the things you want when you're aspiring to achieve or create something in your life. She talks about the trap of attaching …
Cass chats with Monique Mitchelson, a clinical psychologist and host of The Neurodivergent Woman podcast, about neurodiversity in women, specifically autism and ADHD. Monique shares that neurodivergence is often under-diagno…
In this solo ep, Cass shares her decision to take an extended break from alcohol after quitting drinking for (almost) two years in 2020 and then taking it up again in 2022. She highlights all the best things she experienced …
Johann Hari began taking Ozempic in 2023, and subsequently spent 12 months traveling the world talking to experts about every aspect of the obesity crisis and the new weight loss medications which offer a solution to the mil…
In this solo episode, Cass discusses the fear of making the wrong decision and the desire for certainty. Cass emphasises the importance of taking action as a way of gaining clarity, as well as the importance of getting comfo…