Does positive thinking really work? Tiff and Cass discuss the power of positivity for improving your health and wellbeing. Contrary to stereotypes, it's not all smiley faces and rainbows or banishing negative emotions, but t…
Mindfulness has become a buzzword these days but how do you sort fact from fiction and where do you start with being more mindful? Cass has been teaching mindfulness meditation for many years and Tiff is just learning to med…
Tiff and Cass meet people all the time who want to change their behaviours but they know relying on motivation is not the answer. In this episode, Tiff and Cass talk about how willpower is a finite resource and the importanc…
Having a baby is the greatest joy but also one of the greatest challenges many women will ever experience. In this episode Tiff talks about the pressure to bounce back to her pre-baby body and the challenges of being a worki…
Life is full of adversity, disappointment and setbacks. Why is it that some people cope well with stress and struggle, while others feel so defeated? Tiff and Cass discuss how you can cultivate your resilience to handle life…
Strong, supportive relationships are the foundation of happiness and even longevity. In this episode, Tiff Hall and Cass Dunn discuss why our friendships can have either a positive or negative affect on our wellbeing and the…
Are you addicted to your device? Tiff talks about the challenge of staying off her phone while running an online business and Cass shares the research around the dangers of too much screen time. If going cold turkey feels im…
Many people struggle with how to be assertive or hold themselves back in life due to a lack on confidence. In this episode, Cass Dunn explains the difference between interpersonal confidence and ability confidence, while Tif…
Tiff Hall and Cass Dunn discuss the pressure on women to hold onto their youth and the fear many of us have of showing visible signs of ageing. Tiff explains what happens to our bodies as we get older and how we can stay fit…
We can feel a lot of pressure to find our one true calling when in fact these days many people have multiple careers and people are multi-passionate. Tiff Hall and Cass Dunn discuss the pressure to find your passion when you…